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Meet Our Experienced Architecture Team

Our dynamic architecture brings an unmatched level of creativity and precision to every project we do at 2AB Design Group. We excel at blending aesthetic beauty with functionality to ensure your vision comes to life in ways that exceed our client’s expectations. With cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, we deliver projects that stand the test of time. Using our meticulous eye for detail, we ensure every structure we create is a testament to our dedication and expertise in architecture and interior design.

Man wearing brown suit

Meet Our President and Founder, Angel Irizarry

Angel Irizarry founded 2AB Design Group in 2021, driven by a passion for blending architecture and business. Irizarry earned his Bachelor of Architecture and Minor in Business Administration from the School of Architecture at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. With more than 13 years of industry experience, he has excelled in various roles, including Project Architect, Construction Administrator, and Project Manager, covering projects from commercial ventures and residential developments to healthcare facilities. In addition to his industry experience, Mr. Irizarry has also worked as an executive chef and general manager of a restaurant for over 12 years, giving him an edge for those looking to open their own restaurant. Angel Irizarry’s leadership ensures every project successfully transitions from concept to completion.

Welcome to Our Company
Founder & President Statement

As the Founder & President of 2AB Design Group, I would like to welcome you as a valuable client and say thank you for chosen us to be part of your project design and management team. We are a group of talented professionals who have a passion for creating spaces that are functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing.

2AB team has worked with clients from different backgrounds and cultures and always strives to understand their needs and expectations. The communication and coordination throughout a project lifecycle is one of the most valuable aspects of our process, that’s why 2AB collaborates with a multidisciplinary team of project managers, architects, engineers, contractors, consultants, and stakeholders. It reflects who we are, what we value, and how we aspire to live.

We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. We need solutions that can adapt to different situations and challenges. That’s why we offer a multiple approach to transformation, one that combines creativity, innovation, and collaboration. We believe that open minds can achieve one goal: making the world a better place.

Thank you for joining us!

Angel Irizarry

Angel Signature

Our Commitment to Excellence

At 2AB Design Group, client commitment means more than simply meeting expectations. It means going above every time. We prioritize understanding and addressing clients’ needs with clear, effective communication and expert coordination. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results through efficiency, innovation, and an unwavering focus on quality. Trust our experts to transform your vision into reality with unmatched precision and creativity.  See what sets us apart from the competition:

Valuing Customers

We welcome clients and appreciate their choice to work with our team, setting a positive tone from the start

Passion for Design

Our team’s passion for creating functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing spaces drives every project.

Understanding Client Needs

We emphasize understanding client needs and expectations. Effective communication and coordination ensure a smooth process and high satisfaction.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Collaborating across disciplines and positions demonstrates our holistic approach to providing comprehensive solutions.

Adapting to Change

The world is ever-changing, so clients need adaptable solutions. Our creativity, innovation, and collaboration enable us to tackle any challenge.

Making the World Better

Open minds can create a positive change. Architecture holds the power to shape communities and improve lives, aligning with our purpose-driven approach.

Let’s Shape the Future Together

Partnering with us means choosing excellence, innovation, and a commitment to elevating your projects. Our team will bring your architectural dream to life with precision and creativity. We invite you to reach out and start a conversation about how we can collaborate. Connect with us today and take that first step towards creating a legacy. We can create spaces together that inspire and endure. Reach out to schedule a meeting, and let’s transform your architectural ambitions into reality.

Transforming the World Where You Live