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Discover Our Architectural Services

Experience architecture like never before with 2AB Design Group. Our architectural services help transform your vision into a reality through innovative design and meticulous execution. We specialize in architecture and interior design, providing custom solutions to fit your needs. The team’s expertise ensures each project is unique, efficient, and cost-effective. When you partner with our experts, you elevate your business environment with creativity and precision. Let’s build something remarkable together.

3 Men Working on the Site

Bringing Your IDEAs to Life With 2AB Design Group

Discover the power of collaboration with our Interactive Design Architecture (IDEA) Sessions at 2AB Design Group. Over one or two days, your team actively participates in the design of your building using cutting-edge virtual reality technology. This immersive experience fosters open discussions and allows us to test multiple design ideas in real time. As we work together, you’ll see your building come to life virtually, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its final look and feel. These sessions guarantee a creative, cost-effective design tailored to your organization’s needs.

Detailing Our Design Process

Understand every step of your project with our detailed design process. Our stages ensure clarity, precision, and quality from the beginning to the end of your project. We start by gathering essential information and then progress with design and documentation. Sticking to our timelines, our structured approach helps minimize delays and optimize efficiency. Take a look at our detailed process, including:

Pre-Design (PD)

We start by gathering information to create the foundation for our designs over 2-4 weeks.

Schematic Design (SD)

This stage takes what we’ve learned and begins translating the Program into efficient building designs, explores concepts, and test options, and gets a general idea of the look and feel of your design over 4-8 weeks.

Design Development (DD)

The exterior is fully designed in this stage, with the interior layout complete, space dimensions finalized, and materials selected during this 8 to 12-week period.

Construction Documents (CD)

Over the next 8-12 weeks, drawings are developed into precise construction documents with all the necessary information to provide the general contractor with the details to begin the project.

Building Permit (BP)

Construction drawings and any additional information needed to receive a building permit are submitted to the city/jurisdiction for review and approval over 12-24 weeks.

Bidding & Negotiation (BN)

Clients may have a contractor, but many take advantage of our extensive contractor connections to find their builder and get competitive bids, usually taking 3-6 weeks.

Construction Administration (CA)

Throughout the construction process, our architect is an advisor to the owner, regularly visiting the job site to answer builder questions and proactively address potential issues.

Ready to Start Your Project?

Transform your business environment with 2AB Design Group. We are committed to delivering innovative, precise, cost-effective architecture and interior design solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us to discuss your vision and discover how our expert team can bring your ideas to life. Together, we will create remarkable spaces that inspire and elevate. Reach out today, and let’s build something extraordinary.

Transforming the World Where You Live